Worlds first river connectivity done by Pandiyas

Monarchy Pandian invincible specialty
The Tamil history explore the Kumari Kandam was ruled by the Monarchy Pandian. The Pandian’s were very great in brave and science. 9th Century the Pandians were connected the rivers for improve the water resources in their country they are the first persons to inspire the world the scientist added.
In Western Ghats the Paralai River is flowing as well as there is another one river also flowing which is Pazhayaru. When compare to Pazhayaru it is huge as well as it has water in all seasons the Pazhayaru river will be dry at the summer season so the Najil people were distress with starvation when the Pazhayaru dried out.  In Paraliyaru river has water resources in all the season and it has mixed with the Ocean. The Nanjil people appeal the 2nd Raja Simhan Pandian to connect the Paraliyaru River with Pazhayaru this will improve the agriculture and fulfill the need of the people. The Monarchy accepts and built the dam with the 20 feet rocks and connects the rivers along the rocks about 3.22 kilometers. Therefore the Najil gets development and this was documented in Thiruvithangoor Documents.
During British rule the Engineer Parsily said the Pandian dam was admired about this technical building of the dam. He mentioned this inspiring techniques and he said that they are his teacher to build the dams. Continuously the Pandians were built 13 dams in the Pazhayru. The Pandiayas were connected the huge rocks and heat the lead to pour in the rocks to strengthen the building. The Pandiayas were the ancestors to build the dams and connected the rivers thousands of years ago.


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