A duplicate dangerous poison egg challenging real egg in the market
People should be aware about whatever purchasing in the market. They should verify the goods; weather it is original or duplicate. Some of the evil person’s spread the duplicate in every product. This kind of evil motivation people aim is totally think about their family welfare only. They will not care how the innocent people will affect. Most of the Children were like egg to eat, this kind of devil persons will not think their generation as well they also living in the society, if the other child affected by the duplicate egg means one day their children also affect like this how selfish &having crucial mind.
Whatever it is the common people must be aware about these kinds of issues. Some people will try to come out the truth in anywhere. There is a point to discover the duplicate egg. There are outside part of the egg scratched in a dress and then cut a small piece of paper when you pass the egg near means the paper will slicked on the egg. Then separate the layer of the egg, separated layer will be getting thicker like a thin plastic. Open the egg and dropped in a vessel. If it is duplicated egg will mixed with a white and yellow. The original egg stand separate as white layer &yellow one.
Be cautious when purchase egg in the market. This will dangerous for health. Try to eradicate these kind of eggs in the market and the nation. IF SOMEBODY HAVE OR EXPERIENCED THIS TYPE OF EGG MEANS INTIMATE TO THE POLICE, friends , neighborhood. Treat everyone as a human being to stop these evil thins in the society.
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