Figs Fruit Help Young Tamil Health

Health Benefits of Fig
Everyone likes to stay healthy and young many of the people go to beauty centre to maintain the beauty and young skin. But it’s all temporary process only. The fruit gives healthy and young to the person the Fig is playing major role to bring young to the skin.
Intakes of the fig in an empty stomach it gives fit and healthy
Skin allergy in toes and foot we be cured
Cure Mouth odor
Increase hair growth
Rectify the constipation issue by intake of 5 figs per day.
Controls blood pressure
It contains potassium content which gives normal blood circulation.
40 figs soaked in an 1 liter olive oil and intake this of one fig every day this will be such a treatment for rectify the infertility, piles complaint, abdominal issue, cholesterol, anemia, vessing trouble, eliminate the bacterial issues and cure the ulcer. It contains calcium, potassium, manganese, iron, minerals, and selenium.
It reduce weight loss by reduce the cholesterol level in the body, strengthen the bones.
The diabetic patient loss the calcium because continuously they have the problem of urination so their body loss the calcium, the intake of fig gives the compensation.
When consume 40 days fig means it will be cure the Leucoderma and lukeskin.


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