Home Remedy To Grow Hair Faster And Thicker

Onion stimulates the hair growth
Onion is one of the natural medicine to stimulates the hair growth which is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin b6, sulphur these contents are very essential for the hair growth as well as sulphur is reduced the Dandruff. It emits the head toxins outside; the hair becomes healthier and stronger. Stop the grey colour hair and newly generate the black colour hair on the head.
Cut the onion small pieces and crush it, takes the juice of the onion apply in the head, massage for 2 minutes, leave for 1 hour after that rinse with hot water when the onion odor is not like the person means used mild shampoo for rinse the hair. This method will be followed with in a week three times, gradually discover the desirable development.


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