News Reader Pathima Babu shares her view of O.Paneer selvam & V.K.Sasikala, and the current issues of the ADMK party

Pathima Badu support O.Paneer selvam he was selected for C.M for Tamil nadu by the Former Chief Minister Jayalalitha who was in critical situation. O.Paneer selvam given interview to the press that he come to the party means and select as a C.M means he will reveal the mystery of the Jayalalitha death and her treatments that will give console for the ADMK volunteers. The Tamil Nadu people wish to select the O.Paneer selvam as their favorite C.M. No one have the rights to eliminate the O.Paneer selvam from this party.

Ask about O.Paneer selvam with their servants, common people, I.T field, and in the volunteers of ADMK people. That the entire person will say that the person has the right to select and they will also select as a C.M, if they conduct the re-election means it will happen. In 2007 Rajasabha meeting Jayalalitha not allowed the T.TV. Dhinaharan on the Rajasabha meet and she discriminate the person from the party and her home. But now the person was elected as a Deputy General of Secretary after submit his Apology letter within ½ hour. This is ridiculous. The ADMK Volunteers will not accept the Sasikala as a General Secretary & Dhinaharan as a Deputy of General Secretary.

Very soon the O.Paneer selvam will be select as a C.M for Tamil Nadu. Sasikala is not selected as a General Secretary as per the rules & regulation of the ADMK Party. Basically the Party 1 ½ volunteers will select the General Secretary, as well  she must have complete 5  years for membership. O.Paneer selvam termination is not accepted by the ADMK basic volunteers.


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