Madurai Meenatchi Amman temple architecture secrets

Amazing traditional Sculpture of Madurai Meenakshi amman temple
The Meenaksi Amman temple is a huge temple and it has scientific faith in its. The Temple has four Gpouram in four directions the sun has dawn on the east direction and sunsets towards west direction. But the sun was set on the south west direction of the temple there is a scientific reason our Tamizhans were well knowledge in scientism that why they build the temple in a right direction.
The scientist Galelio was invented the planet is a sphere shape and a one century before only the scientist discover the earth is rotate in 23.5 degree. But our Tamizhans were built this temple before 3600 years ago. They built the temple in four direction and they calculate 23.5 degree rotating direction of the sun. The Pandians period there was no equipment, technology development but they accurately calculate it to build the temple in 360 degree direction. There was no mistake in the temple the Kulasekara Pandiyan built the temple. The sun was set in the direction of south east direction on 23.5 degree. The Tamizhan was well known about the science before 3600 years ago. The Sundara Pandiayan, Parakrama Pandian built the temple in an east and west direction accurately it was an amazing temple in Tamilnadu.


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