Amazing magic show You dont loose this 60 seconds - Watch and share

Thrilling performance by Darcy Oake
The popular TV channel conducts the challenging programme. Many of the talented persons show their ability in this show. Darcy Oake is one of the performers in this show. He shares his experience that he was won on this talented show. There is a huge long size blade which is very sharp and it was tie with the rope when the rope was disconnected means the sharp blade joins together which it is has two sides sharp blade this was separated and ties with the rope. 
The person Darcy Oake has a special dress that was have five buttons, and the hands also closed and tie with back side button. Now the persons hand also tie and he was hang on the floating blade he was hang on the centre place of the blade. There is a fire which is losing strengthen the rope. Before his attempt he explores within a minute he tries to escape from the difficulty. When he was hanged on the instrument he try to come out from the thrilling game, within a one minutes he released his hands and legs from it when he released from the blade the rope is burned and it was disconnected from the fire and get joined together which is very thrilling at a second he escapes from the difficulty. It is not a magical event it is a trick regular practices only could do this tricky. The judges appreciate his talents which was an amazing talent done by the Darcy Oake.


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