Get Rid of Yellow Teeth - Tamil Useful tips
Tips for shining white teeth
The yellow colour tooth is not good for smile and this makes inferiority complex to the person and they were hesitating to smile in a common place. The reason for yellow teeth is regular devour of tea, coffee, cigarette and chew belt leafs etc… The tooth brush not gives a desirable result for the teeth. There is a simple material to use to eradicate the yellow teeth. Baking soda would be available in petty shop either departmental stores.
First take a one spoon baking soda, take tooth powder -1spoon avoid paste, 1 pinch salt and one tea spoon lemon juice. Stir it well; now brush with the mixture paste use this method not regularly twice in a day. When the stain removes gradually means used this mixture twice in a week. Completely the blot remove means used this monthly once. Avoid daily use, because the baking soda spoiled the enamel of the teeth. Best is used once in a week.
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