Most Famous Ancient Ganapati Temples in India

Temples of Vinayagar 
There is lot of Vinayagar temples across the country, the lord Vinayagar is the first worship god when the people starts a new work either event means they were deign with the lord Ganasen. This video shows the temples of Vinayagar, The Koraga Siddhar Vinayagar temple which is about 20 kilometer from the Madurai district, this temple is well known for cure disease and Sanithosam. Ramanathapuram there is a vinayagar temple in Uppoor. This temple is called as Vaeeil thantha vinyagar which gives sun for the people, the sun worship lord Vinayagar at the period of Dhasinayam on south side and Udthranayam on north side.
In Krishnagiri district, Pavaloor the Vinayagar is on the Siva linga Aavudayar right hand he looks the truck is broken and in left hand there is a kollukattai and he is near to the esaniyamoola. Tirunelveli district in Seranmadevi there is a Milagu Pillar temple when the mansoon delayed the people used to apply the pepper on the lord Vinayagar. When they apply pepper means the mansoon happen.Madurai Keezha Masi Street there is a mottai Vinayagar. The lords Siva mutate the Vinayagar head he was a safe guard to the God Paravathi. So this temple Vinayagar is called a Mottai Vinayagar. Villupuram Deepanoor there is a Linga Vinayagar when abishaam for the Lingam means we could pray the god Vinayagar. When some people gives false promise on the temple means the lord would be punish those persons. Nagapattinam Saanbagaputhoor the Aathi Kumbeshwara Suyambu Vinayagar temple in Sanathi ghosta the mumoorthigal is resembled there.
Thoothukudi Aarumugamagalam  1008 Vinayagar blessing the people, Chithirai month 7 day they celebrate the Bramochaavam thePanchamuga  Nadaraja Hayramba Ganapathi surrounded on the that day and it’s a special day for the people. Kovai, Mathampallayam Karramapa Vinayagar has Nanthi davar near to the Vinayagar.Salem, Aathoor there is a Thalai Aati Ganapathy the head is lightly slide on the left side.Chithambaram , Thirnnaraiyoor Vinayagar temple is about 17 kiolmeter the Vinayagar is established at the period od Raj Raja Chozhan he aid to consolidate the Saiva Thirumurai as well as he blessed the Nambiayadavar Nabi. The temple naturally formed there is no human work by the instrument so it is called as Kolla pillayar. Thanjore Ganapathy Agrahara the Vinayagar Chathurthi is clelbrated very specially because the people would not be celebrate the function at their home they celebrate it in the temple. Oosur Perigai Pillayar, Trichy Manika Vinayagar, Thiruvaiyaar, thiruvaikudi Sevi saitha pillayar, Kubakonam, Aduthalai Maruthuvakudi Scorpion Vinayagar, Thrichy panchayamuga vinayagar, Tanjore Neelkanada pillayar, Tanjore keezhavasal kottai vinayagar, Sooma Ganapathy in Kanchipuram, Thiruvanaikanal Vinayagar temple, Kamala Vinayagar ….
There is lot of vinayagar temples around country the people worship god and celebrate the events


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