Recent 2 funny dramas in Tamil Nadu -Ezhuchi Monica

Ezhuchy criticize and condemn the activities of ADMK and TTV.Dinaharan

The ADMK TTV.Dinaharan who was arrested by the central government due to his illegal activities. He took corruption to regain the ADMK emblem through the inter mediator Sukesh Chandra sekar. Sukesh Chandra sekar was capture by the Central government police and they made investigation about the issue he tells the fact with the police. According to his statement they made enquiries with the TTV.Dinaharan. Before that incident he was given interview about the person Sukesh Chandra Sekar he articulate he doesn’t know about the person through the TV news he identify about the person. But now when in an investigation he accepts the bribery activities and the person. 
This was criticized and confrontation about the ADMK Ministers and TTV.Dinaharan activities. Now the Ministers determined to deviates the Saikala family from the ADMK Party. Simultaneously the EPS ruling government adhere together with the OPS Party, The EPS government not concern to set right the Tamilnadu issues which are unemployment, peasants problem, lack of monsoon, reducing of lake water, hydro carbon issue etc…, but they have one and only problem that is the OPS that he comes join together means they might be lost her designation as well as the ministers also same condition when they gathered in Kuvathoor resort. They stay in Kuvathoor for preserve their designation. The Minster Cellur Raju who came to the Vaikai Dam to defend the lake water by the thermocol with the Madurai and Theni district collector. That incident was criticized in social media and in TV news also they criticized comically, which shows their cleverness. The Ministers and collectors are very bright to rule and accomplish the requirements of the public.


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