Nattu kozhi( cock) fight against politics to develop Broiler business

Natu kozhi is playing a vital role in Tamil culture. Significantly cock fight is popular in tamizhan rituals, they won’t much care about nattu kozhi because this kind of hen will grow by their own. search their food by own it grazing in the paddy field to eat grains, paddy, worn , Small insects, leaves etc. By nature it is very strong in immunity power. Nadu kozhi laid 11 yo17 egg in one circulation. And it takes care of the eggs till up to new young chick comes outside. 

In rural area mostly all the households have nattu kozhi. This kind chicken is small when comparing to the broiler hen but it is very strong in immunity power. The quality is essential in nattu kozhi. The people will not much care about this kind chick. It will not suffer from any kind of disease, some time some severe fever attack means they give a local medicine to rectify the fever which is natural leaves , small onion, ginger paste etc. 

The egg has valuable when compare to broiler egg, and the egg cost also higher to the broiler egg. For weak person or any cold person eat this egg with a natural medicine. It gives sudden relief. The weaker gets energy and gets strong immunity power…

This is tamizhan traditional formula to rectify small kind of illness, they will not go to hospital for a small health issues. And kozhi meat is also very tasty better than broiler. And this gives a strong to the body; it doesn’t have bad cholesterol in it.

Asil type of cock is having a leading capacity this will not allow other cock inside his territory. This only take the full power, if other cock enters in his territory means they will fight to take the power. This is naturally happening among them. Our fore fathers celebrated as this a competition. They grow this kind of cock for conduct the fighting competition. So this is one of our entertainment functions in tamilnadu. The Asil typeof hen is contact with their own kind race; it will not meet the other race.
This type of hen is very strong and their angry is very higher to control the other cocks. Our traditional culture is save the nattu kozhi hen, cock, goat and cow. They treat as them as a family members. The animal shows their love with their actions. If someone newly comes to their home or someone new to them means they will make a noise to attention on them. 

Our culture is belong inning with the natural life and domestic animals. They will not treat as it animals they treat as their brother, sister son, daughter. Because, it was gave them love and economical development   to improve their status. The people who were have nattu kozhi goats, cows in numbers that the person only rich and they got a respect in the society. 

Now after the independence and politicians self development, exports of foreign goods slowly destroying our rituals and the legislative act is main hindrance for the elimination of our good things. This broiler hen creating so many health issues in our body. The Doctors are advised don’t use broiler chicken in food. Instead of this use nattu kozhi to eat, this is good for health and it contains strong bones as well good cholesterol. Good cholesterol will not store in our body, it join our blood and bones. 

An individual economical development is main reason to abolish the nattu kozhi fight. So be aware on it. Use nattu kozhi egg& chicken. Save nattu kozhi to tend our rituals.


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