Swine flu disease cure by the Holy Basil

Swine flu disease cure by the Holy Basil
Swine flu is a threatening disease for the entire world. It will be spread rapidly so the American and Canadian people used to wear mask for protect them from the disease, this disease will be spread through the air. It is a communicable disease.
In India the Ayurvedhic treatment the doctor’s advice, this disease will be cure within 2 days by using of Holy basil leaves. The virus fever will be easily cured by the basil leaves so that’s why the swine flu also easily cures by the holy basil leaves.
Intake of holy basil leaves it gives the immunity power to the body and entirely removes the virus from the body.
Gujarath doctor Poopes Patel from Jam nagar who was worked in Ayurvedhic University says the holy basil leaves is best medicine for cure the swine flu disease. In take of 25 leaves twice in a day, that would be gives lot of immunity power to the body.
This will be intake in empty stomach it would be increase the immunity power in the body. So the virus will not be attack when our immunity power stronger.


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