Better and best to watch smile settai show

Smile Sattai Criticize the TRP Shows
The TV Channels are earn profit by their TRP shows it is sometimes vulgar and people gets bad emotional feeling when it happen natural means it will make audience like the shows very much instead of it, it would be create and bring the audience attention artificially means it is vulgar to watch the programs.
The Kavan Movie is reflects the TRP shows and dance competition program, the movie is reveals the good and bad of the TV Channel events.

First the Smile Sattai criticize about the serial which from Vijay TV Deihvam Thanatha Veedu, the actors are acting with over makeup and it is not good to watch them, and their mind voice too lengthy, they criticize it with comedy sounds, the comedy is her sister is becomes crazy when she talks alone.

Then they criticize about the dance competition in Sun TV the judge reaction is not matched with the dance, the dancers are dancing in the water and they were floated in the sky to jump, in the TV channel dance show they show about the Kumbakonam Fire accident as in the concept which is discourteous to the public, one mother who lost his son in the Kumbakonam fire accident that women expressed her emotions, cried and then moved from that place. This is not good in the dance event. Then the participants conflict with their pair the video is captured the scenes and telecast by the TV channel.

The Thinamalar press publishes the news very accurately which is the upcoming generations learn more in their news. The news are very bad which is reveals the bad news some news will create a problem in the society, there is one news different religion persons fall in love and the boy was affected by this. This is high light of the newspaper and gives low importance to the Good deeds.


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