Viral video An Open Letter to Prime Minister to save Neduvasal

Jagatheesan Rajendran from Tamil Nadu who wrote a letter to Prime Minister of India to abolish the Hydro Carbon Project in Tamil NADU Neduvasal
Jatheesan Rajendran Wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of India about eradicate the Hydro Carbon project in Neduvassal. He proud about the P.M Modi that who can easily contact through the social media, none of the politicians are like this. Your party MLA had spoken that the Tamil Nadu people should sacrifice their land for this project. Some essential points that I have point out below, that we sacrificed land for the following projects which are 
1, Kalpakkam Nuclear Power plant
2, Kudankullam Nuclear Power plant
3, Neyveli Coal & Mine 
4, BELL, Trichy
5, BELL, Rani Pattai
6, Madras Fertilizers mill, Manali
7, Salem steel 
8, CPCC Manali
For the above mentioned projects are happening from our agricultural land, that we sacrifice lot of agricultural land to the government. 2 ½ years the Central government gives lot of support that I have mentioned it which is, RUPEES 1000 crore given for flood to enhance the people, not yet get Vardha storm fund, Not yet formed Cauveri Management committee, for this there no time to form either not have interest to help the Tamil nadu people.
In Karnattakka, they are not ready to supply water to Tamil Nadu, but your party only ruling the state. There is no action to ban PETA in Tamil nadu, the Tamil nadu youngsters made protest for Jallikattu and get rights to celebrate. For these issue you are not replied anything.
Methane project is modifying onto Hydro Carbon project. You spend time for yoga & Isha that is your personal view. But why don’t you care about the Tamil Nadu people especially Agriculture and the peasants. This project wills extinction the agriculture land and the life of the farmers. 
In our Tamil Nadu we have a proverb that is, the pig delivered 10 pig means it will treat all the pigs equally. India population, different kind of languages, different cultures following in our country, it’s difficult to maintain it, but we also one your child, we need your support. We are not support your party past years, but don’t hurt our Tamil Nadu.
Past 4 decades we struggled from two parties. They were deceived the Tamil Nadu people. Now we need aid from you to eradicate the Hydro Carbon Project in Neduvassal, Tamil Nadu. Tamizhans are welcome the person who ever believe Tamizhans. We welcome you to Tamil Nadu. These are my own words to express the reality.


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