Viral news about Hydro carbon project in TN

Join together to Eradicate Hydrocarbon project in our Tamil Nadu and tend Agriculture & Peasants
The Central government plan to implement the project of Hydro Carbon in Nedu vassal Village in Puthukottai district and in Karraikal also.
ONG confirm the natural gas on Nadu vassal village and Karraikal district. Gradually they plan to execute the project work. This project work accepted by the central government. In Ned vassal ONG confirm Natural oil& gas in north side. 4 acres they obtained from the 2 farmers before 9 years & they erected bore 2000 feet and confirm the oil segregation. After 2 years they didn’t do any work in the village. About 1 kilometer, they bought land from the peasant and supply the oil through the lorry. Mostly all the farmers are against this work and the project. 31 areas selected for this project work. Karaikall also one of the areas for this project works. Environmental supporters expressed this will spoil the agriculture and the farmers life and the level of water will be decreased. The natural environment will be spoiled by this.
Environmental supporters said the project work is related to explore the gas of methane. Prothene, Ethane, Beauthen this come under the name of Hydro Carbon project. They dig the land for built the Hydro Carbon station to purify the oil and separate the chemicals for their expected output. The people are not support and they against the project in Tamil Nadu. Nedu vassal project work is permitted by the Central Government to the Karnattakka, Gem Labour Private Limited which is concerned to the B.J.P party Sidhaswara, he is the owner of the organization. 
If the project implemented in the village means around 15 villages will be spoiled their agricultural occupation the farmers lost their land and traditional work. Mostly if there is an accident occur means the village and surrounded village people will destroyed and get severe impact from this project.
So the Tamil Nadu people bring their voice altogether and come unity to oppose the Hydro Carbon Project in Tamil Nadu.


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