A Humorous show of the current issue in Tamil Nau Government
The actors criticizing humorously V.K.Sasikala dream sworn function. V.K.Sasi kala says that iam the Chief Minister of the Tamil Nadu that was criticized in a different manner. And describe the current emotions of the O.Paneer Selvam that who was lost his C.M Post voluntarily with his resignation letter. That was teased by the actors and he is watching T.V, sit sorrowfully about his situation. Nearby 2 persons censorious that we are not had a chance to live in the period of Gandhiji and Nathaji fortunately we have a chance to live with O.Paneer Selvam period.
Then Criticize about the weeping person leading Political party leader Mr.Vaico. That he says irrelevant things in his speech. In his speech he says forgetting matter is our National problem that was said by the Actor Kamalkassan. He says around 2060 that he will be a Chief Minister of Tamil nadu.
Then the actors criticize the former Chief Minister Karunanithi and the DMK Leader Stalin. Who says in other party persons and their supportive member 3 times he sits in the C.M chair. And not have any political experience like ward member, counselor, MLA not having any rights that persons are trying their best to deserve C.M post. But I do not deserve the C.M post until now. I lost 5 years that I was a Assistant C.M post and I am not learned nothing in the 5years.
MLAs said that we can only the person to select C.M for the Tamil Nadu. You will select MLA only .But don’t you have rights to select the C.M person, We will do that
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