Toll point, the police bargain with the travelers get Bribe for allow the vehicle- A Viral video

There is a video show up the Police Department activities with the common people. In a vehicle the person is talking with the police that he given rupees hundred to the last toll point. But the police not bother about it and not hearing what he tries to say. That the person calling someone to talk with the police, but he didn’t ready to attend the call. His motive is get money from the persons. He is bargain with the person.

At last the person gets a message from the phone call to give money what he expect. He was given rupees 200 to the police, immediately he gets and departure from that place. Till that the police disallow the vehicle. In the mean while another one police crossing on the way he didn’t mind that what’s happening there. In social media all the people are opposed and they expressed that police activities are discourteous.


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