Os Manian Thanthi TV kelvikkenna bathil - Troll video memes

Meme about the Kelviakkanna bathil O.S.Maniyan given interview to the Tanthi Channel with Rangaraj Panddai
In his interview he said that Sasikala live together with Jayalalitha 33 years. She knows about everything what happening in the politics. Rangaraj Pandai asked 2012 the Sasikala again join with Jayalalitha who was send out from Jayalalitha home due to her corruption activities. Then he asked after her rejoining she wrote an apology letter that apart from her knowledge her relatives deceive Jayalitha &Sasikala to occupy lands illegally. This was published by the ADMK party Common Secretary the Jayallaitha. V.K.Sasikala said that her relations deceive her. Rangarai Panndai said, but now we think that issue means, she said this statement know, that was said to compromise the C.M Jayalalitha.
For this question O.S.Manian explore that the child will join together with her mother only its nature; is it wrong that he asked like this with the interviewer. In this place interpolated Vijayakanth words and he said you are a shameful person.
Then Rangaraj Panndai clarified if the relatives joined with their family means why don’t accept the Jayalalitha Brother’s daughter Deepa, Deepak, her Brother, Sister –in –law. What is the reason they are not allow with her. The O.PManian said that whom they like that person only rejoin in her family they are not like by Jayalalitha.
Dinaharan, Dr.Vantatesh & Sudhaharan separate from Jayalalitha after her death they reinstate with Sasikala now. Rangaraj Pandaai asked with the minister. For that question he replied that the mother have a misunderstanding with her son, so again they joined.
Then Rangaraj Pandai asked with him that Mr.Natrajan said for the question this is family party. Why Sasikala not oppose the statement, she can show her regret on that period but she is silent on that time why she did like this? For this, the person expressed one person say something in any were means why she wants to give clarification on that. Rangaraj Pandai immediately expressed that he is her life partner. In between that the humorous scenes interpolate to entertain for criticize the person and their politics style. The Common secretary V.K.Sasikala met the Governor that time 10 ministers and D.D.T.Dinaharan also attend the meet. Why he comes to meet that was asked for O.S.Maniyam by the interviewer. He explained that he came for assist the Sasikala. Rangaraj Pandai control his smile and asked there is lot person to have assist, purposely why he came together there is a proof and having photo. That the V.K.Sasikala sit in the middle nearby the D.D.T.Tinaharahn sat together and the ministers are sitting in the 2and 3 row. What is his position or allot any designation to come with you.  O.S.Maninan said Chinnamma is his own Chinnammma, so sit together we are call a Chinnammma officialy for the ADMK Party. Finally there is video of Actor Vijayakanth comments interpolate on it. This Interview is criticized by the Memes.


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