Hair Growth Herbal Tips

Gowri Samayal Programme give a tips to improve the hair growth
It’s a hair oil programme to improve the growth of the hair with the natural materials The following things to be need for prepare a healthy hair oil. which are,
1, Henna Leaf- 1 cup
2, Small onoion-1 cup
3, Fenu greek-1 cup soaked for 2 or 3 hours
4, Ghoose berry-1 cup cut into small piece without seed
5, Cloves- 4nos for sinus problem person 
6, Hibiscus- 10 no’s
7, Carom seeds- ½ cup
8, Coconut oil- 1 liter 
9, Curry leaf- 1 cup
Crush the henna leaf, curry leaf, small onion, soaked fenu greek, ghoose berry, cloves.  In the mean while, boil the half coconut oil in the stove and then add the crush material into the oil. When it change the colour and reduce the noise of the boiling means add the hibiscus petals, cloves, carom seeds. Finally the added material colour will be changed when boiling. Then boil the half coconut oil in other pan. During the period of the boiling ensure the material is mixed in the oil. Then separate the boiled coconut oil and the crush material coconut oil. And leave it for change into room temperature, when it changed means drain the coconut oil with the small piece of the white cloth. Add the rest of the coconut oil into the mixture coconut oil. This could be use by 8 months. Till that it will be safe.
These materials used for the hair growth, strengthening hair, scrap removal, remove grey colour hair. Reduce the body heat. If anybody not has henna leaf means use the powder as it was shown in the video. Use a white pure cloth and add the powder in to the cloth fold and tie it tightly and used it when the coconut oil boiled the essence will be mixed with the oil when boiling.


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