Gopinath said the students will lead the protest for against the Hydro Carbon Project

Gopinath commands about the Neduvassal issue which is danger for Neduvassal people. Agriculture is our basic occupation in our Neduvassal village. First you have to be elaborately explained the project; instead of this how can you think we are an impolitic person. Briefly say about the merits and demerits of the project. You do not know about the demerits you are also asking some one to know about the information. But you understood the project after that you can deliver the messages whether it will aid otherwise destroy the people livelihood agriculture. We will raise question about every issue. 
In India we are not recover from the accident about the Bophal impact. So we must raise question about all the issues don’t treat we are a fool or uneducated that we are in the top three in developing state, then how can we grow our self, we are a developing state. Somebody is directing you, you and your backside persons are in commercial mind setup, it is our life, and it’s an individual rights according to law. Methane name is modified into the Hydro Carbon project and you are trying to implementation this one here and you impersonal us uneducated people. Tamizhans are well educated so we need clarification about the project you must deliver the message accurately.
In Neduvassal every individual life is based on the Agricultural development. When we move to about 10 kilometers means there is no water upto Ramamnathapuram. There is no rainfall and there is no agriculture. Government not taken any steps to improve the life of that people, not  taken any arrangements or not given small scale loan, Cottage industry to enhance their life or establish any industries on the desert land to develop their life style. Nothing does it for these people. Any agricultural support or ideas provide them. We work hard in our field and develop through this, now you stress to set free from the agricultural land. This is our land our earth to save it. 
After Jallikattu issue Tamilnadu Tamizhans show our traditional origin to the world. The Tamilnadu students get success in the Jallikattu protest like this they will done a protest against the Hydro Carbon Project. We are doing an independent business of agriculture. So don’t push our self into the dependent occupation. Everyone is pleasure to live in Neduvassal and they have passion in the occupation is Agriculture.


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