A rare video of Gandhiji last monuments

The video shows Mahatma Gandhi assassinated by Nathuram Godse. Who was in Pune he killed Gandhiji at his fasting moument for Hindu Muslim unity.

When he was killed by the culprit he falls down. At this time the people were shocked some of them were try to hold Gandhiji. 

So many people were participated in the funeral function and this is showing the people were lost their life. It’s a sensitive moment for the entire nation. This day is Mahtma Ganghijis 70th anniversary. Now also Gandhijis followers feel guilty for the incident. So we salute and try to follow Gandhi’s principle in our life. 

Ahimsa is the basic principle of the gandhiji. He faces lot of problems to get freedom for our country. Non violence is root cause to struggle with the British. British gave so many pressure and torture to gandhijis freedom fight. But our national hero of Gandhiji overcomes all the issues to get freedom. 

Simplicity is nature of the Gandhiji characteristic. Every one con which means the poor and ordinary people can easily approach him.


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