Deepak opposing the T.T.V.Dinaharan - Viral video

Deepak opposing the T.T.V.Dinaharan who has an Assistant Leader of the ADMK Party, instead of this person we accept O.Paneer Selvam as a head of the ADMK said by the Jayalalitha brother son Deepak
Deepak is a relative for the Former C.M. Jayalalitha. First in the politics he support for the V.K.Sasikala who wants to become as a Common Secretary for ADMK party.
Now the T.T.V. Dinnaharan is working as an Assistant leader of the Party. Some of the ADMK volunteers not like the changes and the new persons enter in the party. Deepak talk with the media through call and share about his opinion. He said that he is not accepting the person T.T.V.Dinaharan as an Assistant Secretary of the ADMK Party.
Next he said that the people have suspect in Jayalalitha death means we form an Investigation Committee to discover the truth. The media person asked whether the Jayalaitha grave will convert as a memorial place for this Deepak expressed that we are relatives for Jayalalitha, so we will pay the fine amount for this. The interviewer asked why you opposing T.T.V.Dinaharan for ADMK Party. He said that we don’t like to break up the ADMK party. O.Paneer Selvam has tolerance, three times he worked as a C.M of Tamil nadu and he is a good person and he will not argue at any time within the party.. All the basic volunteers are like O.Paneer selvam and not like T.T.V.Dinaharan. So far O.Paneer selvam not ask any designation in the Party.
When media person asked the T.T.V.Dinaharan has conduct the press meet, on that the elder leaders participate in the meet. But they are supporting for him why you are not support him. Deepak again asked which person participates in the meet. The media person said Sangotaiyan, Tambi thurai, Health ministers & other ministers participate. Deepak replies that he is not our relation Saskala group nad Dinaharan is not our family. Reason is that person not accepts by him and O.Paneer selvam will have rights and we support for him.
If Sasikala not allowed and dominate in the party means we will not do the same and we will turn against her.


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