Apparent speech about Hydro Carbon disadvantages by Lakshmi- it’s a planned activity to eliminate agriculture in Tamil Nadu

Apparent speech about Hydro Carbon disadvantages by Lakshmi- it’s a planned activity to eliminate agriculture in Tamil Nadu
The Actress Lakshmi who share about her view about the Hydro Carbon project.
She said the Minister Pon Radhakrishnana & M.P. Ella Gnasehan explore that, why people are opposing the project, they don’t known about the advantages of the project, and they didn’t understand the project. We are doing good project to Tamil Nadu people. 
The Actress Lakshmi asked if you are doing good things means why don’t you marketing in every village. Already you start methane project and drop it in a few years back. Now you bring it back to people in a new name. If you have an idea to aid for people means why don’t you execute the Kauveri judgment? You must implement this for improve the agriculture either connect the rivers to enhance the peasants. Agriculture is back bone of Tamil Nadu why you try to break up it.
This project will convert the Tamil Nadu agricultural land to desert land. She briefly explained about the Hydro Carbon Project. First they erect aperture about 6kg into the land, then they bring out the drinking water from land to outside. Inject the chemical mixture like hydraulic fracturing then it comes out methane, hydro mixture etc… From this mixture, the hydro carbon separated from this and the remaining chemicals will be reentering in to the earth.  Totally the soil and land converted as a poisonous land. The drinking water will be poisoned due to this project. The people cannot like in the poisonous land. The farmer expressed their situation emotionally that they don’t have other source to continue their life without agriculture; their entire life is depending upon their soil and land. 
In Russia the government had established the Hydro Carbon Project in the mean while the project met accident; due to fire they have stopped their project. But still the there is a fire about 45 years. Now we can see how it danger to the people. Cauvery delta places mostly depend upon the agriculture. Tanjore is an agricultural land and they farmers giving food to not for Tamil Nadu only they had given almost all other places. They export their goods to foreign and other state. But our politicians plan to destroy the green gold, instead of this they try to get a black gold from the soil. Battle movement is not sufficient one to eradicate the project. We must plan to destroy to in Tamil Nadu. 
Tamil Nadu people have a healthy and wealthy generation means agriculture is must for the upcoming generation. So we want fought with the government means, why we select Counselors, Ministers, MLAs, and MPs. 
In every village we need to form a committee, in the committee will be lead by the graduate students to create awareness about the project to every people. Then they have to find and ensure anybody sell their land and who is bought for what purpose and what they have plan to do, if they erect anything in the land means we should ensure for what purpose they doing it. There is popular person Namallvar who is against for the Hydro Carbon and create awareness to the farmers and the land owner’s also common people. There is election coming soon for the Panchayat and town, if any person comes for ask vote means you most confirm whether they will have a strong idea about to oppose the Hydro Carbon project and clarify with them. If they support to eradicate the project means we can select that person for this post. Before that we get a sign from them if they fail to against or not have proper support means that person should resign their post immediately. The Tamil Nadu people do not like the project implement on in Agricultural land. Then why the Central Government forced into Tamil Nadu people. If they arrange for water means the people will do the agriculture in their land. The occupation agriculture improves the standard of the life and the fisher man who ever having pond in their land that person can grow fish in it. The Central government stopped the water and bought land from the poor farmers and now they have to implement the Hydro Carbon on the land.
We will protect our land and agriculture means we must battle with the government and it’s mainly depends upon the strength of the people unity in Tamil Nadu.


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