Acress cum News Reader Monicka criticize the Deepa and her role in Political field

First the person who welcomes that who was supports their Programme as well opposing and criticizing person. Some of the persons are asked that you are supporting for Deepa. For this she said that their motive is not those who ask silly question like this. But we are creating awareness honestly about the political incidents to the Common people.
Monckia asked to Deepa why you enter in the politics. Before your entrance what you do till now. After death of Jayalalitha you entered in the politics. You are try to bring attention from the Tamil Nadu people about you face which is like Jayalalitha as well you gets status & designation. This is worst to see that you trying to get the image of Jayalaitha. Personally I want to say about your face means that your face not imitate Jayalaltha, Jayalalitha had a smile & beautiful face. But you don’t have that. Will you know politics that we are not seen you in the political meet. Any kind of welfare activities have you done through the Social Welfare Organization. When your meet the words and messages are reputably said by you. There is no proper message from you for Tamil Nadu people.
In a village the people celebrate their temple festival and some dramas will happened on the event. Some dramas the film stars those who is look like a cinema star. Those people imitate their mannerism, which will show as a real hero & heroine. But you not matched like the drama person. There is lot of difference you have and you are following her body language & mannerism.
Then she gives another important notice for the Tamil Nadu people. That those who against the current government either you need to dismiss them and expecting re-election means, you wear black dress on coming Saturday &Sunday.. Take a selfi in a public place; Upload the images in the face book, twitter and any in social media. And also do # My Tamil Nadu, # Re-election, # Ezhuchi, # get out Mafiya group, # 122 slaves .


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