A Downcast speech by V.K.Saikala to her supporters delivered the message for stay together to maintain unity in the Party

The ADMK Common Secretary given a speech abouth the part people and the legislative members should be strengthening and keeps unity among the party.
We must strengthen the party by cooperation with our self and maintain unity in our party. Whoever go outside from the party that persons having support from the other side, but we have the MLA s support to prove our power in the Tamil Nadu. We are very peace in our work, the other person are thinking that they were selected a new for the C.M, then why they waiting for the sworn function. This was show that we got achieve our triumph.
I have planned to build a Jayalalitha memorial home, Builds a M.G.R Ramavarma cottage and place a statue for Jayalalitha. Then we want to build own office for ADMK Party in every district. We keep our unity strengthen means no one could be demolish our party. They can place me in the prison but no one could be stop my wish, ideas and enthusiasm for work in the party .Definitely I will monitor the work and lead the party successfully by your support and co-operation. She said that they a have mutual understanding so they will show their power in the Tamil Nadu.
DMK Party had taken revenge against our party. So we work hard and spread our motives in all area and work for party development to think if there is a party DMK in Tamil Nadu. Our enemy DMK Karunanithi did this for our ADMK Party. So we should be calm and work unity. These words are delivered the message to her 


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