Nattu kozhi( cock) fight against politics to develop Broiler business

Natu kozhi is playing a vital role in Tamil culture. Significantly cock fight is popular in tamizhan rituals, they won’t much care about nattu kozhi because this kind of hen will grow by their own. search their food by own it grazing in the paddy field to eat grains, paddy, worn , Small insects, leaves etc. By nature it is very strong in immunity power. Nadu kozhi laid 11 yo17 egg in one circulation. And it takes care of the eggs till up to new young chick comes outside. In rural area mostly all the households have nattu kozhi. This kind chicken is small when comparing to the broiler hen but it is very strong in immunity power. The quality is essential in nattu kozhi. The people will not much care about this kind chick. It will not suffer from any kind of disease, some time some severe fever attack means they give a local medicine to rectify the fever which is natural leaves , small onion, ginger paste etc. The egg has valuable when compare to broiler egg,...