Cough Ayurvedic Treatment Tamil Health tips

How to eliminate the cold and cough in lungs
Almost all the people would be suffer regarding cold and cough, sometimes the people were troubling lot with the lungs cold and cough it was stagnant in the lungs it was stress to the normal life. But there is a natural home remedy to recover from the cold and cough.
Turmeric which has active inclement and cucumin, it works as an anti bacterial content as well as when it joined with the salt means it gives relief from the throat infection. There is an easy method to prepare the medicine.
Preparation method
Turmeric water
One tea spoon salt, turmeric powder and one cup hot water mixed it well in the hot water. Consume this 3 or 4 times per day this will give relief from the throat infection.
Ginger tea
Ginger works as an anti bacterial and antivirus content as well it gives immunity power to the body. It rectifies dryness when suffer with cold and cough. Consume 6 to 7 piece of ginger either drink the 4 to5 cups ginger tea. Take a 6 to 7 piece ginger, 1 spoon pepper, 1 spoon honey and 2 cup water. Heat the water in a slow flame add ginger boiled for I minute then mixed the pepper and leave for 5 minutes to boil, then add honey in the liquid to consume.
Apple syrup vinegar
This content maintains the PH level in the body and protects the body from the cold and cough. Intake of the apple vinegar in the water in a day more times it gives relief from the cold and coughs and preserve from the throat dryness.
Steaming treatment
This method is give relax from the cold and cough then it melt the stagnant cold and cough and remove the tired. Use the medicine liquid, rose merry petals and 5 cups water boiled the water, medicine liquids, rose merry petals and cover with the blanket for steaming. 
Honey and Orange
Honey is an anti bacterial, virus and fungus. Orange has vitamin- c which is gives immunity power and it gives relief from the respiration problem. Take one spoon honey and one spoon orange juice which is gives relief from the cold and cough.


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