Surprising Health benefits of musk melon

Health benefits of Musk melon
Musk melon is one of the best fruit in summer season it is closely related to cucumber family.
It has 60/- of water content and it protects the body from heat and gives coolness to the body.
It has water and fiber content it breaks the hindrance acids to function the digestive process.
Consume the fruit frequently means it cures the ulcer problem.
The cancer cells destroyed by the content of carotenoid it cures the cancer cells through eliminate the cells from the body. 
The fruit strengthen the body and protect the skin from disease by the collagen content.
It rectifies the kidney problem and cures the kidney wound the fruit is intake with lemon juice means it cure the Rheumatism.
Beta-carotene is rich in the fruit it has vitamin a content it cures the eye problem and brings healthy vision to the eyes.
It functions the brain and supply oxygen and it has potassium to keeps the heart healthy.
It gives strengthen the body for Diabetic patent 
It gives weight loss for the obesity people.
It has low sugar, low fat, low calories which give strengthen the body and the sugar content controls the appetite.
Some of the persons should avoid this fruit those who affected with asthma, wheezing trouble, back pain, neck pain, knee pain persons should avoid this fruit, if the person intake of this fruit means this will create the persons health critically.


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