Natural Hair Dye at home made Tamil beauty tips

Natural Hair Dye and its benefits
Natural hair dye is gives no side affect add gives blackness to the hair as well as there is no side effects to the hair, in other dyes which is ready made products have ammonia and some other chemicals include in it the chemicals spoil the health of the hair consequently it gives side affects to the body. There is an easy method to follow to prepare hair dyes which are as follows
Needed materials
Beet root- one small size chopped
Coffee powder-3 spoon (filter coffee powder)
Hibiscus- 10 flower crush it as a paste
Add these three in a 100 ml water for boil, wait for reduce until up to the measurement comes 50ml, add lemon juice and leave it for rest then apply on the head and wait for ½ to I hour. The beet root colour would be changed by adding hibiscus paste and coffee powder this will change colour and apply this paste for weekly once. Gradually the hair modified into black colour when it fully changed into black colour means apply this paste for about 15 days. Finally the grey colour will be fully distorted into black colour. When the premature grey colour had means use as it from the beginning and used into within 15 days once. This would be modified the grey colour hair into black colour.


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