Mouth Ulcer Remedy Tamil Health Tips

Curable methods to remove mouth wound
The wound is arises in the mouth, tongue and lips due to bile complaint; it gives pain from throat it tough for talks and consumes food. Some times the problem would be enhance due to digestion problem, body heat, metal stress, iron, vitamin c is causes for the wound in mouth. Normally it would be cure 7 to 10 days either it exists for long days means it could be create cancer disease.
Preventive methods
Drink enough water
Keeps the body heat under control as well consume tender coconut and banana.
Yoga and Meditation reduce the mental stress
Maintain body from digestion problem and constipation
Keeps the mouth and teeth healthy
Consume milk with honey it rectify the mouth wound and ulcer problem.
Apply honey either butter on the place it will cure the wound
Goose berry leaves boiled in the water for clean the mouth
White rice, garlic, green gram and cook with coconut milk this will reduce the mouth wound
Used in food humming bird leaves and black night shade leaves to intake this could be cure the wound.
Basil leaves, mint, chew it slowly and swallow it this would be rectify the wound and reduce irritation.


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