Declamation speech reflects Tamil Nadu people emotions & Break up Dissimulation rule in our State- request to Central Government

Declamation speech reflects Tamil Nadu people emotions & Break up Dissimulation rule in our State- request to Central Government 
The person expressed the Tamil Nadu people’s feeling in his speech. He dissent the current incidence whatever happening in the Tamil Nadu government. He asked whether we are living in a Democratic country. 75 days Tamil Nadu C.M admitted in the Apollo hospital during that period Governor visited the hospital two times, but he can’t visit C.M, He gathered information with the Apollo doctors and share with the media. The person asked to the Central government don’t you know what happening in T.N and Why don’t you care about the C.M and not raised any clarification on this C.M treatment. You know everything either is you joined with the Sasikala group.
In social media the people are expressed their feelings and they said whom the people they like to rule the Tamil Nadu. You people are for the Indian citizen only, we are not for you. You people are supporting for the .V.K.Sasikalal party either you get money from that person. You are Prime Minister of India, President of India and Governor you people must be serve for the Indian Citizens we will not for you, you should be for our citizens. 
Jayalalitha earned crores of money and Sasikala also having the same amount of money. That Sasikala sentenced in the Prison, an accused person ruling Tamil Nadu with her power. And she is in prison. What going on in amil Nadu. You people get money from the party why you people are like this. You are slave f or the party people. 
You accept the 122 MLAs wish and their desire they selected whom they want to rule the Tamil Nadu. But the Tamil Nadu people not accept it. Don’t you see what Tamil Nadu people wish and their C.M, you know everything and you people also supporting the evil people. It’s not a Democratic country; it is a money motive person ruling the country.
Don’t you analyze why the MLAs vote for the person for get money from the party either they threatened by the Party. You don’t you conduct the secret poll for elect the C.M. You people are watching the incidents whatever happening in Tamil Nadu and not take any action or steps to control the evil things and you don’t bother about our feelings. You people are not for Tamil Nadu to aid T.N people; we also don’t need your care. Why you are still remaining in as A Prime Minister, President of India and Governor. Definitely you came for this Designation for service and support and aid for the people means you bring the reelection for Tamil Nadu. Dismiss the current ruling party we don’t like to control the Tamil Nadu by a culprit who was in prison. We are expecting a genuine C.M for Tamil Nadu to aid the people. You allot the Governor rule for one year; meanwhile we select an appropriate person for the C.M post.
After Kamaraj period the Tamil Nadu state is ruled by the person solely attending to his own welfare.The persons are ruled the Tamil nadu complicate, their motive is to develop their economical condition by their corruptive attitude.
He asked the central government if they have a service to help the peole means request to take as a big issue and modify the ruler in the Tamil NADU. We are thinking that Tamil Nadu people are living in a slave country and we are slave. Request the Central government to dismiss the rule of the party and implement the Governor rule as well give one year period to select a good person for the C.M post.  PLEASE ACCEPT THE Tamil NADU PEOPLE’S FEELING AND EMITION. The person expressed the Tamil Nadu people’s thoughts & feelings nobly.


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