Animation Film Prepared by India Today under the title of So, Sorry- command the ADMK Party V.K.Sasikala, spreading all over India

Animation Film Prepared by India Today under the title of So, Sorry- command the ADMK Party V.K.Sasikala, spreading all over India
In the Film it starts from the ADMK office there is statue of Former C.M, M.G.Ramachandran and the video enter in the ADMK Hall there the C.M, O.Paneer Selvanm had a discussion with his ministers. Suddenly, the V.K.Sasikala group enters into the hall and given pressure to resign his post of C.M. Then O.P.S resigned the Post and then goes outside. The MLAs are support her and this is criticized that they were modest to Sasikala. O.Paneerselvam mopes at the movement and then goes to the Mariena beach to visit the Jayalitha sepulcher and meditation on that place. Besides he given interview to media, that he was stressed by Sasikala to resign the C.M post. But V.K.Sasikala expressed her oppugnance for his interview.
After this they were fight for get the post. They fix a C.M name board in front of their office. Sasi & Paneer selvam try to get post. At last the V.K.Sasikala group C.M dream has been broken due to her case verdict. Finally she sentenced in the prison. This short film shows the current situation of the Tamilnadu politics in a funny manner.


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